This week at school, we started discussing the letter S. We traced and coloured, practice the sounds, looked for the things that started with the letter S. Slithered like snakes we did.
Then I MAY be wondering...what happened to A?
A first reflex is to start in alphabetical order, that is after all how the alphabet song is song, how every English language alphabet chart is would it not stand to reason to start with the letter A and progress in order for their writing as well?
Not necessarily. Children learn rhythm and repetition and memory skills through the alphabet song. It teaches them a sequence, a pattern, a melody, but reading is a whole new ball game.
There are a few articles swimming out there about letter order and recognition, I'm including one in this post for your reference.
When we follow this order: S, A, T, I, P, N, C, K, E, H, R, M, D, G, O, L, F, B, Q, U, J, Z, W, V, Y, X...children recognize the letters sooner over the typical alphabet order. They can start to group letter families together, forming words, which encourages them even further. It can be said that this order can be more beneficial and faster reading comprehension. These letter groupings are often found in our daily life, instead of always looking for a letter A first.
We also encourage name recognition and printing of their name daily, as that also encourages that sense of ownership and excitement in our students, which again helps them recognize those same letters in other scenarios.
So this coming week, we're discussing A, so please continue at home and in the world around them!
Together as always,
Mrs. Lauren