COVID 19 Information
**Parents may self screen before arrival and verbally confirm there is no experiencing of symptoms. Children are monitored throughout the day for any visible changes**
** If any child is experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 they will not be permitted into the centre and will be referred to an assessment centre.
**Symptoms include but are not limited to; Fever (Above 37.8 C, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing or swallowing, nausea, vomitting, diarrhea, pink eye, muscle aches, unusual exhaustion)
**If a child develops symptoms while in care, parents/guardians will be notified to pick up their child immediately and the child will be isolated until pick up with a teacher.
**Children will be encouraged to socially distance and independent activities that promote socialization will be planned for.
**Children will be provided their own art materials in a labelled separate container and individual hooks and storage bins for limited personal items.
**Teachers wear masks indoors and outdoors when social distancing cannot be maintained
**Toys and room are sanitized daily