A Day in the Life....
An idea of our program routine and the children's day
Circle Time
The children each pick up their own individual circle mat and the teacher encourages and models the circle shape. Children then sit and participate in nursery songs, discuss and practice letter, number, shape, colour recognition. The ideas of patterns and weather is also introduced. We also use circle for story time as well.
Free Play
Children learn through play. This time allows children to explore different centres (dramatic, books, puzzles, cars and other toys, or free art). This further develops children's interests, social skills, independent skills, group play, turn taking, emotional development and self awareness. Teachers observe and participate in their play.
Children wash their hands before and after and find their spot at the table. Teachers prepare the snack and lunch and serve it. Snacks are provided by the school, no outside food is permitted. Lunches are catered by Wholesome Kids Catering. Snacks are nutritious and well balanced and served with water. Meal times provides a rest time and further time to talk with the friends and teachers.
Handwriting Without Tears (HWT)
This time is used for teachers to gather with a small group or one to one and practice fine motor skills such as pencil holding and scissor use. This also encourages letter, number, shape, colour recognition. The children practice tracing letter and number lines, colouring, matching and more kindergarten preparation.
Children are encouraged to participate in creative activities to help facilitate that development, to explore different materials, to challenge themselves. This helps in fine motor development, emotional development and critical thinking.
Teachers provide materials and assist when needed but children are encouraged to create their own artworks independently.
Sensory is providing the children the opportunity to explore and experiment with different materials and textures. These are teacher provided but child led experiences. These can include but are not limited to; play dough, water, sand, feathers, shredding paper, yarn, slime and more.
Science and Math
Activities involving math and science are placed out on tables and teachers assist and explain the different concepts. This enhances counting, sorting, patterning, grouping, sizing, experiments, guessing, critical thinking
We provide time for children to use their large muscle groups and expend out some of that excitement and energy. We either use the junior school gym and play games like stop and go, or use balls for throwing. We also include dance parties and follow the leader actives or yoga. The time is approximate due to scheduling but physical movement is included everyday.
Clean Up and Dismissal
Children are encouraged to clean up after themselves by putting toys and materials away. They come together again on the carpet for either a story or some physical movement while the teacher awaits parent arrivals.